Strategy PEOPLE I want to put the right people in the right seats. Read More MONEY I want to improve my group’s financial performance. Learn More Good strategy creates a path from where you are today to where you want to be. Strategic Planning Do you know where your practice is headed? How do you define a successful year? Partnership Agreements/Succession Planning Adding a new partner to your practice (or being invited to join one) is an exciting prospect! Concierge Practice Conversion The interest remains high from a number of practices to convert from a traditional insurance reimbursement model to a concierge practice model. Exit Strategy Medical practices experience the exit of an owner or partner at different times and for various reasons. A practice is sold, a partner retires, or a merger occurs. New Practice Startup One of our clients told us that contemplating opening a new practice was akin to “flying to the moon.” They knew it was humanly possible but did not know where to begin. Mergers & Consolidations Given the major changes in the healthcare landscape, many groups are contemplating merging or consolidating within a specialty or into a multi-specialty group.