As Healthcare Leaders, We’re Blowing It. It’s Time to Get Out of the Weeds and Refocus on Long-Term Success

As Healthcare Leaders, We’re Blowing It. It’s Time to Get Out of the Weeds and Refocus on Long-Term Success

As our community of healthcare leaders enter the final quarter of the calendar year, it’s important to look back at where we’ve been and think about where we want to be. In that review of where we’ve been, it’s fair to say that we have had our heads down, appropriately focused on day-to-day survival of our organizations. In doing so, have we lost track of the strategy our organizations need for lasting success?

Thinking back to 2019, successful healthcare organizations were firmly focused on the future. We had adapted to the changes that came at us from HIPPA, payment innovation, and the Affordable Care Act. We had our routes charted and sails set for quality, operational, and organizational success. COVID was the once-in-a-century storm that no one could have planned for.

It’s been tempting to think that the changes we’ve seen in patient, payor, and regulatory behavior because of the COVID-19 pandemic were temporary. And, if we can simply get past the pandemic related challenges directly in front of us, life will return to pre-2020 norms and we can get back to delivering amazing care.

Well, it’s safe to say, we are beyond that, and it’s time to accept that we are entering a new post-pandemic norm.

What does this mean for us as healthcare leaders?

  1. Look Up: It’s crucial for leaders to move beyond day-to-day survival and focus on long-term success. This means looking ahead and planning strategically rather than only reacting to immediate challenges.
  2. Accept the New Normal: The changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic are not temporary. Leaders need to accept that we are entering a new norm and adapt their strategies accordingly.
  3. Rebuild Strategic Plans: Instead of just dusting off old strategic plans, leaders should rebuild them to fit the new reality. This involves creating strategic and operational plans that are designed for success in the current environment.
  4. Focus on Key Objectives: Despite the changes to our industry, the goals remain the same: clinical quality, operational excellence, and organizational success. Leaders should keep these objectives in mind while adapting their strategies.
  5. Seek Long-Term Success: It’s important to focus on long-term success rather than short-term gains. This involves building robust strategic and operational plans that can withstand future challenges.

If we as leaders continue to focus only on the day-to-day challenges, we will fail. If we fail to accept the new normal, we will fail. We’ll blow it. However, if we adapt our strategic plans to accept the new normal, we can build our organizations for long-term success.

Health e Practices and Eric Schulz work with healthcare organizations of all sizes to help them build long-term strategic and operational plans for success. If you want to discuss refocusing your leadership on the future rather than just the next days or weeks, you can reach us at to learn more about how we can help you refocus your organization and your leadership. We’re here to help.

Eric Schulz, MBA

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